fbg.nl, sinds 1997

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  Harstenhoekweg 99 (In de buurt)
  2587 SG   Den Haag
  Telefoon: 070 33 88 242

  Email ons.
  BTW Nummer: NL221650076B01

Have you ever wondered what to do with all that business data you have collected over the years? Or whether it would be useful to start collecting data about your customer and business processes? We are specialised in transforming corporate data to information, enabling you to do your work more effectively and efficiently. Even if you aren't collecting any data yet, but want to know what data would be important for you, we can assist you. Our assistance can consist of consultancy and algorithms, branche-specific courses, or via Internet services. As an example, we list several popular problems that we can help you with: * What are the characteristics of your most important clients? * How can you bind your customers? * Why do clients leave you, and how can you prevent it? * Which potential customers should you avoid? * How many claims you can expect in the short term? * How to reduce your costs? * How to detect fraude?

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